Last Updated: November 02, 2023
Contact Information
Main Contact: Celinda Aguilar-Vasquez
Contact Phone: (510) 981-5470
Be aware that most listings for affordable housing have waiting lists. We encourage you to apply to as many as possible so we hope you will check the website once a month for new listings. To obtain an application contact the property manager or go to the property management office.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is Affordable Housing?
- The listing I am interested in has a waitlist. How long are these waitlists, usually?
- What are immediate affordable housing opportunities in Alameda County (without waiting lists)?
- What is an SRO?
- How do I find a roommate situation?
- What is a sober living home?
- What is Transitional housing?
- What if I find an apartment that’s available next month, but I don’t have a place to stay until then?
- What if I can afford the rent, but I can’t afford the security deposit?
- I have an eviction or bad credit on my record. Are there still housing options for me?
- What if I don’t meet income qualifications?
- I have a disability. Do I have a right to a Reasonable Accommodation?
- What is Section 8? How do I get it?
- What is Public Housing?
- I have fallen behind on my rent. How can I get help?
- What is rent control? Do all cities in Alameda County have it?
- How does the developer decide if I am eligible for affordable housing and what is AMI?
Building Description
Under the project-based voucher program, a PHA (Public Housing Agency or Housing Authority) enters into an assistance contract with the owner (local developers) for specified units and for a specified term. The PHA refers families from its waiting list to the project owner to fill vacancies. Because the assistance is tied to the unit, a family who moves from the project-based unit does not have any right to continued housing assistance when they leave the unit. However, they may be eligible for a tenant based voucher when one becomes available. Several developers in Berekeley are contracted to have Project Based units in their buildings and the BHA maintains a waiting list for those Project Based Units.