How do you calculate your household income?

The key to qualifying for Affordable Housing is knowing how to apply
and being ready, when contacted from the Waiting List

When applying for Affordable Housing, you should first determine what your current household monthly income is. Properties that have a minimum income can automatically disqualify applicants who enter below the minimum income or above the maximum income so it is important to accurately represent your household income by calculating it, as explained below.

Remember, most Properties use a Lottery to determine their Waitlist
so accuracy is more important than being the first to submit!

Area Median Income (AMI): The midpoint of a region’s income distribution, where half of households earn more than the median and half earn less. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) calculates AMI annually for every geographic region in the country using data from the American Community Survey. Information, from HUD, about Alameda County’s AMI can be found here. In Alameda County, this midpoint or 100% AMI level, for a family of 4 is $155,700/year ($12,975/month) so many people qualify for Affordable Housing that may not be aware of it.

Household: A “household” may be just one person, or two or more persons. All household members that will be living in the home must be included in the application.

Household income: The combined annual income from all persons over 18 years old who are part of the household. You will be asked to provide the “gross” Maximum Income (also known as Gross Household Income). This refers to the total income before taxes or other deductions.

Minimum household income: The minimum monthly income required to be eligible for the property, typically equal to 2 times monthly rent, unless you hold a Housing Authority Section 8/Housing Choice Voucher or receive Subsidy through another housing service provider, such as Abode Services, Bay Area Community Service, ECHO, etc.

How will you be expected to prove your identity and income?
A. Identification Documents
Photo identification for everyone in your household who is 18 or older
Birth Certificate for everyone under 18

B. Financial Information
Income: You will be asked to provide all sources of income for each member of your household over 18 years of age. Examples include:
~ Welfare, Veteran benefits, Social Security letter
~Rental assistance voucher
~ Recent paystubs from your current employer
~ Self-Employment proof
~ Alimony
~ Current pension or retirement income