Last Updated: October 17, 2024
Contact Information
Main Contact: Contra Costa Housing Authority
Be aware that most listings for affordable housing have waiting lists. We encourage you to apply to as many as possible so we hope you will check the website once a month for new listings. To obtain an application contact the property manager or go to the property management office.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is Affordable Housing?
- The listing I am interested in has a waitlist. How long are these waitlists, usually?
- What are immediate affordable housing opportunities in Alameda County (without waiting lists)?
- What is an SRO?
- How do I find a roommate situation?
- What is a sober living home?
- What is Transitional housing?
- What if I find an apartment that’s available next month, but I don’t have a place to stay until then?
- What if I can afford the rent, but I can’t afford the security deposit?
- I have an eviction or bad credit on my record. Are there still housing options for me?
- What if I don’t meet income qualifications?
- I have a disability. Do I have a right to a Reasonable Accommodation?
- What is Section 8? How do I get it?
- What is Public Housing?
- I have fallen behind on my rent. How can I get help?
- What is rent control? Do all cities in Alameda County have it?
- How does the developer decide if I am eligible for affordable housing and what is AMI?
- How do you calculate your household income?
Contra Costa Housing Authority; Housing Authority of Contra Costa County; Contra Costa County Housing Authority; HACCC; Housing Authority of the County of Contra Costa; 66408057
Housing Authority of Contra Costa County
3133 Estudillo Street Martinez , CA 94553
Building Description
The Housing Authority of the County of Contra Costa will be opening the Project Based Voucher Waiting List for several properties located throughout Contra Costa County on JUNE 3, 2024 at 10:00 a.m. Extended to JULY 18th, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. This opening is NOT for the Housing Choice Voucher Program but for Project-Based Voucher units in the properties listed on these linked flyers ONLY Flyer (English) and Flyer (Spanish). The linked Flyers in English and Spanish provide details for the opening. Pre-Applications are available in foreign languages. If you need technical assistance with the online pre-application portal, please email or leave a voicemail at (925) 957-7085. Include your name, phone number and a description of the issue in your message. Some properties are for Seniors ONLY and some are family properties. For the senior properties, THE HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD OR SPOUSE MUST BE 62 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER TO APPLY. APPLICATIONS FROM NON-ELDERLY APPLICANTS WILL BE REJECTED. ALL PRE-APPLICATIONS MUST BE SUBMITTED ONLINE AT If you would like a paper application, please contact (925) 957-7085 for assistance. Please note that after JuLY 18th, 2024 the waiting lists will be closed. Reasonable Accommodations for elderly or disabled clients can be made for anyone needing individual assistance either by telephone at 925-957-7085 or at our offices or email Please feel free to contact us with any questions regarding the opening.