Last Updated: March 07, 2025
Contact Information
Main Contact: Trang Nguyen, Property Manager
Contact Phone: (408) 730-6905
Be aware that most listings for affordable housing have waiting lists. We encourage you to apply to as many as possible so we hope you will check the website once a month for new listings. To obtain an application contact the property manager or go to the property management office.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is Affordable Housing?
- The listing I am interested in has a waitlist. How long are these waitlists, usually?
- What are immediate affordable housing opportunities in Alameda County (without waiting lists)?
- What is an SRO?
- How do I find a roommate situation?
- What is a sober living home?
- What is Transitional housing?
- What if I find an apartment that’s available next month, but I don’t have a place to stay until then?
- What if I can afford the rent, but I can’t afford the security deposit?
- I have an eviction or bad credit on my record. Are there still housing options for me?
- What if I don’t meet income qualifications?
- I have a disability. Do I have a right to a Reasonable Accommodation?
- What is Section 8? How do I get it?
- What is Public Housing?
- I have fallen behind on my rent. How can I get help?
- What is rent control? Do all cities in Alameda County have it?
- How does the developer decide if I am eligible for affordable housing and what is AMI?
- How do you calculate your household income?
Building Description
Rent Amounts: Studio 50% AMI is $1382. Studio 60% AMI is $1659. Deposit Inquire. RENT & DEPOSIT AMOUNTS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. PLEASE CALL TO INQUIRE.
Calabazas Community Apartments provides 144 units of affordable and supportive housing, 80 units are set aside for households experiencing homelessness and are referred through the County of Santa Clara Coordinated Entry System (CES).
Now Leasing brand new affordable studio apartments! Move-in special of one month free rent.
Strongly encourage to apply in person. Please call to make an appointment.
Minimum Income Requirement is 2Xs Amount of Rent. No Min. Income Requirement for Section 8. Eligibility is income-restricted, as are rents, in accordance with the Low-Income Housing Tax Credit program as well as other funding requirements.
Income requirements: These 64 units serve households at 50% and 60% of the Area Median Income (AMI). To qualify, applicants cannot exceed the annual gross income limits based on their household size.
Units include: Bath, Stove, Refrigerator. Amenities: On-site property management and resident services, laundry facilities, bicycle storage, community space, community kitchen facilities and community outdoor space.
- PG&E, Water & Garbage are paid by owner.
- Credit Check Required. Credit Check Fee is waived.
- Background Check included in Credit Check.
- Welcomes Section 8 Vouchers.
- All subsidies must be considered by all types of housing except for Section 8 Project-Based properties.
- Does not accept Cosigner, but will work with Family Support Contribution.
- Will work work Rental/Deposit Assistance Programs.
- Previous Evictions – Case by case basis.
- Near Public Transportation, Schools and Shops. Near Caltrain’s Lawrence Station and the Lawrence Expressway in Santa Clara.
- Pet Friendly Property – Limit One Pet Per Household.
- Smoke-Free Building.
Contact (408) 730-6905 to make an appointment. Encouraged to apply in person.
Unit Description
Now Leasing brand new affordable studio apartments!
Strongly encourage to apply in person. Please call to make an appointment.
Units include: Bath, Stove, Refrigerator. Amenities: On-site property management and resident services, laundry facilities, bicycle storage, community space, community kitchen facilities and community outdoor space.
- PG&E, Water & Garbage are paid by owner.
- Credit Check Required. Credit Check Fee is waived.
- Background Check included in Credit Check.
- Welcomes Section 8 Vouchers.
- All subsidies must be considered by all types of housing except for Section 8 Project-Based properties.
- Does not accept Cosigner, but will work with Family Support Contribution.
- Previous Evictions - Case by case basis.
- Near Public Transportation, Schools and Shops. Near Caltrain's Lawrence Station and the Lawrence Expressway in Santa Clara.
- Pet Friendly Property - Limit One Pet Per Household.
- Smoke-Free Building.
Pick up application at site or call manager to request accommodation to mail.
Maximum Income Level AMI: 60%
Minimum Income Limit: $3,318
Unit Restricted For: No Restrictions
Family Status Restrictions: Not Restricted
Age Restrictions: Age 18 and Above
Pets Accepted: Bird, Cat, Dog
Rent and Fees
Monthly Rent or Percent of Income: $1,659
Security Deposit: Inquire
Pets Deposit: Inquire
Unit Information
Unit Type: Apartment
Number of Bedrooms: Studio
Number of Bathrooms: 1
Appliances Included: Coin Operated W/D, Refridgerator, Stove
Paid Utilities: None
Unit Description
Studio Apt – Rent $1,382. Deposit Inquire. Wheelchair Inquire. Minimum Income Requirement is 2Xs Amount of Rent. No Min. Income Requirement for Section 8. Max. Income below 50% AMI. 1 Person: $58,000. 2 Person: $66,300. RENT & DEPOSIT AMOUNT SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. PLEASE CALL TO INQUIRE REGARDING NEW RENT AMOUNT.
Now Leasing brand new affordable studio apartments!
Strongly encourage to apply in person. Please call to make an appointment. APPLY ONLINE at
Units include: Bath, Stove, Refrigerator. Amenities: On-site property management and resident services, laundry facilities, bicycle storage, community space, community kitchen facilities and community outdoor space.
- PG&E, Water & Garbage are paid by owner.
- Credit Check Required. Credit Check Fee is waived.
- Background Check included in Credit Check.
- Welcomes Section 8 Vouchers.
- All subsidies must be considered by all types of housing except for Section 8 Project-Based properties.
- Does not accept Cosigner, but will work with Family Support Contribution.
- Previous Evictions – Case by case basis.
- Near Public Transportation, Schools and Shops. Near Caltrain’s Lawrence Station and the Lawrence Expressway in Santa Clara.
- Pet Friendly Property – Limit One Pet Per Household.
- Smoke-Free Building.
Contact (408) 730-6905 to make an appointment.
Pick up application at site or call manager to request accommodation to mail.
Maximum Income Level AMI: 50%
Minimum Income Limit: $2,764
Unit Restricted For: No Restrictions
Family Status Restrictions: Not Restricted
Age Restrictions: Age 18 and Above
Pets Accepted: Bird, Cat, Dog
Rent and Fees
Monthly Rent or Percent of Income: $1,382
Security Deposit: Inquire
Pets Deposit: Inquire
Unit Information
Unit Type: Apartment
Number of Bedrooms: Studio
Number of Bathrooms: 1
Appliances Included: Coin Operated W/D, Refridgerator, Stove
Paid Utilities: None
Unit Description
Studio Apt – Rent $1,181 or $1313. Deposit $800. Wheelchair Inquire. Minimum Income Requirement is 2Xs Amount of Rent. No Min. Income Requirement for Section 8. Max. Income below 60% AMI. 1 Person: $69,600. 2 Person: $79,560. RENT & DEPOSIT AMOUNT SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. PLEASE CALL TO INQUIRE REGARDING NEW RENT AMOUNT.
Now Leasing brand new affordable studio apartments!
Studio vacancies. May pick up an application at Leasing Office.
Units include: Bath, Stove, Refrigerator. Amenities: On-site property management and resident services, laundry facilities, bicycle storage, community space, community kitchen facilities and community outdoor space.
- PG&E, Water & Garbage are paid by owner.
- Credit Check Required. Credit Check Fee is waived.
- Background Check included in Credit Check.
- Welcomes Section 8 Vouchers.
- All subsidies must be considered by all types of housing except for Section 8 Project-Based properties.
- Does not accept Cosigner, but will work with Family Support Contribution.
- Previous Evictions – Case by case basis.
- Near Public Transportation, Schools and Shops. Near Caltrain’s Lawrence Station and the Lawrence Expressway in Santa Clara.
- Pet Friendly Property – Limit One Pet Per Household.
- Smoke-Free Building.
Contact (408) 730-6905 for more information. Pick up application at site or call manager to request accommodation to mail.
Minimum Income Limit: $2,362
Unit Restricted For: No Restrictions
Family Status Restrictions: Not Restricted
Age Restrictions: Age 18 and Above
Pets Accepted: Bird, Cat, Dog
Rent and Fees
Monthly Rent or Percent of Income: $1,181
Security Deposit: $800
Pets Deposit: Inquire
Unit Information
Unit Type: Apartment
Number of Bedrooms: Studio
Number of Bathrooms: 1
Appliances Included: Coin Operated W/D, Refridgerator, Stove
Paid Utilities: None