Last Updated: December 09, 2024
Contact Information
Main Contact: Representative
Contact Phone: (510) 747-4300
Be aware that most listings for affordable housing have waiting lists. We encourage you to apply to as many as possible so we hope you will check the website once a month for new listings. To obtain an application contact the property manager or go to the property management office.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is Affordable Housing?
- The listing I am interested in has a waitlist. How long are these waitlists, usually?
- What are immediate affordable housing opportunities in Alameda County (without waiting lists)?
- What is an SRO?
- How do I find a roommate situation?
- What is a sober living home?
- What is Transitional housing?
- What if I find an apartment that’s available next month, but I don’t have a place to stay until then?
- What if I can afford the rent, but I can’t afford the security deposit?
- I have an eviction or bad credit on my record. Are there still housing options for me?
- What if I don’t meet income qualifications?
- I have a disability. Do I have a right to a Reasonable Accommodation?
- What is Section 8? How do I get it?
- What is Public Housing?
- I have fallen behind on my rent. How can I get help?
- What is rent control? Do all cities in Alameda County have it?
- How does the developer decide if I am eligible for affordable housing and what is AMI?
- How do you calculate your household income?
Project-Based Voucher (PBV) program Waiting List
Housing Authority of the City of Alameda
701 Atlantic Avenue Alameda, CA 94501
Building Description
Housing Authority City of Alameda
701 Atlantic Avenue, Alameda, 945011
Phone: 510-747-4300 | TTY: 711
Project-Based Voucher (PBV) program Waiting List – Resource Num: 74182475
The Housing Authority of the City of Alameda is OPENING a housing wait list application for the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) program and Select Project-Based Voucher (PBV) programs on Tuesday, December 3rd at 12pm through Monday, December 16th at 12pm. For more information, please visit:
The Housing Authority serves the following cities: Albany,Emeryville, Castro Valley, Dublin Fremont, Hayward, Newark, Pleasanton, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, Union City and unincorporated areas within the County.
HCV rent is based on 30% of the household’s monthly adjusted income. The voucher holder finds a landlord who is willing to rent a house or apartment that is within the Housing Authority’s Payment Standard and meets the Housing Authority’s inspection standards. Voucher holders are permitted to transfer their rental assistance anywhere in the US where there is a public housing authority.
The Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Program provides rental assistance in a specific unit at a property that is owned by HACA. Like the HCV program, people with Project-Based Voucher assistance pay rent based on 30% of the household’s monthly income. However, PBV assistance cannot be taken from unit to unit because it is held by the property. When a tenant moves out, the assistance goes to the next tenant who occupies the unit.